If you had been here – Reflection on John 11:19-27
We all have second-guess our “if you had been here” situations. You have likely lost track of the times that if you were not somewhere else, either physically or mentally, you might have prevented something wrong from happening. We have all had great difficulty dealing with this at times. It is possible over time to put less emphasis on the situation being our fault because, after grief, we begin to realize we cannot control everything. Sometimes, we consider that the result would have been the same even if we were there. As maturing Christians, we can spiritually get more comfortable accepting the sorrow and angst with the support of our community. We can pray for God’s love, mercy, and compassion, combining the results with our positive natures. While not a perfect solution, we ask Jesus for peaceful spiritual resolutions since we have grown confident in prayer. We may not know when the outcome will result in the quieting of my second-guessing, but we know we will eventually be at peace.
Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Martha at Bethany by James Tissot (full resolution image of painting).
More details are available on the Brooklyn Museum website.
Additional Ordinary Time Reflections
John 11:19-27 – Scripture*
Jesus the Resurrection and the Life
17 When Jesus arrived, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb four days. 18 Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, some two miles away, 19 and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to console them about their brother. 20 When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, while Mary stayed at home. 21 Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask of him.” 23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” 24 Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, 26 and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” 27 She said to him, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world.”
Additional Thoughts
Thank you for meditating on this Gospel and reading this Lectio Divina on John 11:19-27 Reflection – If You had been here.
Would you like to contribute related thoughts to these Lectio reflections on the Gospel readings? Since Lectio is not the only contemplative prayer style, others might appreciate your expressions in this ministry. Do you see God’s grandeur everywhere and unconditionally enjoy sharing the love of Christ that you have inside? Are you willing to be anonymous in what you would share? If so, email me.
Prayer for young families:
Lord, let the young families of our communities experience your joy, peace, comfort, and love despite worldly distractions. Amen.
This site has written permission to use the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE) Bible for the John 11 Bible passage.
The Immersive Prayer website follows the guidelines for image web use at the Brooklyn Museum and the Jewish Museum websites.
Primary Lectio Divina word or phrase: If you had been here
Page and discussion group on these Lectio Divina daily Gospel Readings.
Discussion group on St. John of the Cross.