Movement of the Heart – Mark 2:13-17 Reflection
For a moment, think about God’s love in scripture passages, especially where Jesus reaches out to those who are spiritually poor, considered sinful, or wealthy. Consider the “Giving Pledge” for a modern-day possibility of the touch of God with people with significant financial resources. As of this writing, over 242 billionaires have committed to giving away more than 50% of their wealth for charity. These people represent less than 10% of the world’s billionaires, but the numbers joining the Giving Pledge are growing. Obviously, the number of committed people and the amount they give to charity could improve. In fact, several have given near 100%. The amount committed to charity is a staggering total of more than $600 Billion. I can’t entirely agree with some of the charitable focuses of these billionaires. However, what intrigues me is the idea of the Giving Pledge. At the very least, isn’t a movement of the heart in the right direction?
The Calling of Saint Matthew by James Tissot. (full-resolution image of painting)
More details are available on the Brooklyn Museum website.
Additional Ordinary Time Reflections
Mark 2:13-17 – Scripture*
Jesus Calls Levi
13 Jesus went out again beside the sea; the whole crowd gathered around him, and he taught them. 14 As he was walking along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him.
15 And as he sat at dinner in Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were also sitting with Jesus and his disciples—for there were many who followed him. 16 When the scribes of the Pharisees saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors, they said to his disciples, “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” 17 When Jesus heard this, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.”
Additional Thoughts
Thank you for meditating on this Gospel and reading this Lectio Divina on Mark 2:13-17 Reflection – Movement of the Heart.
Would you like to contribute related thoughts to these Lectio reflections on the Gospel readings? Since Lectio is not the only contemplative prayer style, others might appreciate these types of expressions in this ministry. Do you see God’s grandeur everywhere and unconditionally enjoy sharing the love of Christ that you have inside? Are you willing to be anonymous in what you would share? If so, email me.
Prayer for young families:
Lord, let the young families of our communities get to know your joy, peace, comfort, and love despite worldly distractions.
*This site has permission to use the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE) Bible Mark 2 passage.
The Immersive Prayer website follows the guidelines for image web use at the Brooklyn Museum and the Jewish Museum websites.
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Primary Lectio Divina word or phrase: Movement of the Heart