God’s grandeur and Christ’s love and action as an Immersive Prayer Ministry
The Immersive Prayer ministry offers reflections, vignettes of poetry, art, and Lectio Divina on the daily Gospel readings as a glimpse into God’s grandeur and Christ’s love and action.
Immersive Prayer Lectio Divina reflections are available one week before each day’s Gospel reading.
Additional Lectio Divina Reflections.
The website also has enhanced a large selection of classic and experimental Rosary Mysteries and various other reflective prayer forms, such as poetry, art, and contemporary midrash stories. Perhaps the reflections can catalyze you into the “God moments” in your faith journey. I hope and pray you have boundless joy associated with loving God, community, and neighbor.
In addition, some of the content of Immersive Prayer website is broken down into collections and structured for book format. I have independent books that are not on this website. My books are available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited for free, and in soft-copy book form. All proceeds from book sales go to charity. Below are three books by Jerry that were published in 2023 and 2024.
Published by Sheltering Tree Earth Publishing – Via Lucis: in the Presence of Saint Joseph celebrates and highlights the most glorious time in the Christian liturgical year: the fifty days from Easter to Pentecost. This Via Lucis journey adds light to Scripture with the dimension of artwork and encountering an imagined Saint Joseph. Saint Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, becomes present in a what-would-he-say style by observing, commenting, and conversing about the Scripture and artwork for each encounter. He walks with you from Jesus’ Resurrection through Ascension. Brief meditations and thought-provoking questions are included for group discussion or individual contemplation in eighteen encounters. It is the first in an annual series of Via Lucis: in the Presence of fictional encounters with saints and early Christian leaders.
Amazon listing: https://www.amazon.com/Via-
Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/Rk5Nbc4YmUc
Published by Sheltering Tree Earth Publishing – For the Good of the Order is a collection of positive, insightful, experience-based vignettes which one may use at the closing portion of organized social or civic meetings. Each story presents a conflict and spiritually based resolution which leads the group forward and allows the listeners to consider how to shift their own conflicts into a more optimistic situation.
All proceeds are donated to charities.
Daily Gospel Reflections using Lectio Divina for the 2024 Liturgical Calendar. The 2024 book is now available on Amazon in soft copy and Kindle editions. All proceeds are donated to charities.
Below are Reflection Topics on Immersive Prayer
Daily Lectio Divina Gospel Reflections
Daily Gospel Lectio Divina Reflections is an on-line compilation of daily Lectionary Scripture for using the prayer of Lectio Divina. These Daily Lectio reflections began in 2018 and continue in updated three yearly cycles. You can locate desired Scripture passages using search. Towards the end of each annual cycle, I publish the following year’s Gospel reflections on Amazon. These publications are for those of you who would prefer a book format of the material.
Scriptural Rosary Mysteries for Thriving
The Scriptural Rosary Mysteries for Thriving collection are classic Rosary Mysteries and 19 experimental (alternate) sets of mysteries. “Besides the precise rosary pattern long known to Catholics, we can freely experiment. New sets of mysteries are possible.” (Bishop’s Pastoral Letter). These mysteries include James Tissot’s art and my personal Lectio Divina mediations. I appreciate that many readers may not be Catholic. However, please consider using these scriptural Rosaries by leaving off the second half of the Hail Mary prayer.
Contemplative Expressions
Contemporary midrash’s are scenarios, thoughts, and explorations assembled not to prove anything but to create a non-historical thought-provoking perspective. Midrash’s are ancient Jewish prayerful interpretations of Hebrew biblical text done in story form to pass on its beauty. My use of midrash methods requires immersion into the perceived life of holy characters done with research and contemplative prayer.
Via Lucis – The Way of Light celebrates and highlights the most glorious time in the Christian liturgical year, the fifty days from Easter to Pentecost. This Via Lucis variation uniquely considers the mystical presence of St. Joseph in our encounter with the living Christ. A suggested contemplative approach for this Via Lucis is reading the Scripture and imagining yourself as a participant in each painting.
Christ’s love and action in Poetic Expression
Dipsao – I Thirst, which means the state of being thirsty. Blessed Mother Theresa concluded that Christ’s striking words are a prayer of an endless two-way thirst of both giving and receiving love. I have had my thirst satiated by countless Christ-like people, so I humbly share their “I” and effect on me.
Chanterelles in The Garden focuses a highlighting lens on God’s grandeur. This beauty takes many forms, from a glorious swath of Chanterelle Mushrooms at a moist riverside in God’s Garden to interior revelations and discoveries that take our breath away. Windows become open to the truth and love of Christ.
The Color of My Heart examines recollections to yield personal insights worth pursuing towards becoming a better person. The book’s title is the metaphorical language describing Christ’s Love as a common thread of our heart’s actual color.
A Moment for Christ captures moments of metamorphosis when there can be no explanation other than faith. When we allow these moments to unite with Christ, we can discover how and what shape we will become.
As indicated above, the content of Immersive Prayer is available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited for free, and in soft-copy book form.
Distribution of site materials
The thoughts and reflections on this site are my personal sense of God’s love, grace, and action in the world. I respect and honor all faith’s that places sacred divinity at the center of heart, mind, and loving neighbor. My faith is deeply rooted in the Roman Catholic teaching that God is love, and my first obligation is always to love God and neighbor. These beliefs mean my emphasis is on actively encountering and living the Beatitudes. I share this site with virtually no restrictions. However, if you would like to use anything on the site, please observe copyright laws by contacting me for re-purposing, which I will freely provide for any non-profit use.
Scripture quotations
Scripture quotations throughout this site are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition. Copyright © 1989, 1993. The NRSVCE Bible is published by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. The site has Permission for all Scripture used within.