John 11:1-45 Reflection – Tears of Living Water | Immersive Prayer
I have lost track of the times I waited for Jesus to show up, watched him from the crowd, mourned without including him, been angry with him, and been selfishly human with him. Why does he continue to call us out from our caves of comfortable shadows despite this? I have a new answer in the glorious, visible presence of the Lord through others. My friends, family, and community continue to pray, encourage, and participate with me to conquer advanced cancer. Their strength has become my strength to maintain the current prognosis of what appears to be success. The effects of the last injection of chemicals are slowly disappearing from my body. I feel my strength returning. Earlier in life, I was transformed to see that the light outside the cave was far better than the darkness within. With my closeness to the need for a personal resurrection, I am filled with joy, knowing that Christ’s tears of living water bring life to those who thirst.