John 6:22-29 Reflection – Works of God | Immersive Prayer
Works of God - Reflection on John 6:22-29 We believe that with Jesus' help, we participate in the works of God. When our belief intensifies, there is an upward spiral of physically doing and spiritually being for others. As we willingly open our minds and hearts, we begin to have example after example of the love of the Father and Jesus we know as the Holy Spirit in our journey. The walk towards eternal life, among other things, allows us to discern our God-given individual gifts and use them in deep gratitude. If we humbly do so, we will easily recognize our attributes as extensions of Jesus' love and our desire for eternal life. For example, the Spirit quiets my learning disability so I can write. The confusing order of words seems to reorder and re-flow more naturally as I immersive in the repeated prayer and reading during Lectio and as I write a reflection.