Matthew 19:3-12 Reflection – Spiritual Bonds | Immersive Prayer
As a teenager, I wondered for a few years if I should join a religious order and be singularly bound to God. The inner beauty of a woman, heart fluttering embraces, and the possibility of having a child manifested inside to cause my personal choice to become apparent. My call was to commit to a ministry inclusive of a spouse’s physical touch. Being of one flesh with another instead of Catholic celibacy did not reduce the influence of God, who significantly participates in my marriage. God never gave up on my teenage thoughts because I recognized decades later the original perception was not that far off when I achieved a graduate degree in Pastoral Ministry in my fifties. I honor, appreciate, and understand why many Christians and other faiths have a place for marriage in various leadership and Minster roles. Perhaps you can embrace the sacredness of celibacy or faith-based marriage celebrations in prayer for a moment. The world needs whatever you can do, as worldliness seems to be downplaying the appreciation of the commitment to these unique spiritual bonds.