In my role as Knight’s Lecturer I was preparing a talk about serving
My heart welled up thinking of the many activities of my Brothers
Our Lenten season’s fish fry’s surfaced multi-faceted from within
I am there with them, even though these busy men, do not see me
These same Fridays I pray the Stations, meditating in between each one
Through the windows I watch meals sold to the waiting line of cars
Yet, I am not distracted but rather pulled deeper into each sculpture
I am but a spectator to the absolute personification of a living Christ
In one panoramic view, Christ past and Christ present become real
Through them, loaves and fishes multiply, through the funds raised
Charity becomes fulfilled, a silent offering for those that do not have
My dear Brothers, unselfish men giving their precious time, for other
In the reflective moment of “and he died” fully contains these men
Here, God’s mystery is revealed in the repeating hand of providence
I am grateful for their joy and for the scene which I can join in prayer
Love again explores the spiritual and physical, serving as Christ asks
For years our Knights of Columbus have been having a Friday fish fry during Lent to raise money for charity. Even before I was a member, I had participated in the Friday Stations of the Cross so I continued that tradition. Our Stations surround the inside the church near each window. My favorite station is when Jesus gives up his last breath. In all the years that I have been walking these stations and watching the Knights I have never had what they do distract the moments of the Stations. This year we absorbed another parish and our parish priest decided to swap out the stations as theirs were more like sculptures. Providence is all around us and it became obvious for me because he started with the station I like. For the first time I realized why this station and the fish fry were so filled with warmth for me. Christ had found a way to show me both prayer and faith in action work together.
For further reflection: The unconditional love that Knights of Columbus have for others